Thursday, November 5, 2009

Boracay Yoga brings you Clayton Horton on December!!!

ASHTANGA YOGA in Boracay!!!

Boracay Yoga is bring Clayton Horton to the Philippines.

Clayton Horton has been a practitioner of yoga for the past 20+ years and began teaching in 1996. He is the director and founder of Greenpath Yoga in San Fran-
cisco, CA, His practice is rooted in the Ashtanga tradition and Greenpath meditation. He is a student of Sri Pattabhi K.Jois and the Green-
sufi. He has been conducting workshops and Teacher Trainings worldwide for years.

On December 26-January 3, he will be conducting workshops in Boracay!

Also, watch out for the Teacher Training on May 2010. This will be brought to you Boracay Yoga and Greenpath Yoga .


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