Monday, December 29, 2008

One Bean Gone Green

When I was in NYC, I opted to work in vegetarian place because I wanted work that will support the lifestyle that I am creating. Something that is very challenging to do when you are living in Manila. I also wanted to explore possibilities of creating beautiful tasty food.

So I got a job at The Green Bean Cafe in NYC, located at the upper east side. It's a tiny vegetarian joint in this side of town serving tasty pasta dishes, casseroles, salads (galore!), cakes, cookies, cupcakes (that I used to ice! I am the best cupcake icer!) Icing beautiful vegan cupcakes is one of the highlights of my day at Green Bean.

Luis is one of my favorite human beings in Green Bean. He used to make me some amazing salads!

When I started, I asked Barabara, Darrel's (the owner) mom if I could work in the kitchen but they needed someone to be in the counter and so I stayed in the counter and so I did. Where I got to learn making dark green juices and enjoy too. We get all the extras that we make. I felt my skin to be really radiant while I was working in that place.


Unknown said...

AAA.. can i work there too? are there staff benefits like product tasting?? mmmmmm =D

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